Thursday, July 5, 2012

Are  we really independent, as a nation and as individuals? Or have we become increasingly more dependant on the government? The government, of course encourages our dependance, because being dependant increases the government's influence and power. How often do the American people become outraged anymore? How often do we demand the truth? Not very often I'm afraid. We are more concerned with our smart phones, our i-pads, and posting on Facebook. Since 9/11 we have traded liberties for security and we seldom have anything returned once we have traded it.

"Those who trade liberty for security deserve neither."  - Ben Franklin

We have a government run amouk, that listens to neither the people or reason. Our "representatives" care not a whit about us, but seem to answer only to their party and to special interests, especially special interests. There are too few that vote and fewer still who are educated in their vote.

Congress recently  passed and President Obama signed bill H.R. 347 (also known as the Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011) into law on March 9th, amid numerous protests from the Occupy movement, as well as other agencies. HR 347 is a modification from Senate bill S. 1794, which restricted people from entering or blocking public areas that have been closed off by Secret Service while a person under their protection is passing through. The law also included major public events, such as the Inaguration and Presidential campaigns. Does this Act superced the First Amendment guaranteeing the right to "assemble peacefully"? It does if the Secret Service decides you cannot assemble peacefully wherever they say you can't. How does this make us independent? If the secret service had been in Boston in 1773 there would have been no tea party!

Our true indepence comes from being educated, from exercising our rights, and from holding our government responsible to us and to no one else, not to special interests, not to political parties and not to other governments. To us! There is no other way to be indepent or to be good and true Americans.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Independance Day


A Celebration

        Carl W. Cortez



                                                 the strong, the brave, the charitable.

                                                 The country that opens up her heart

                                                 and holds out her arms.



                                                 the symbol.

                                                 The bright, the shining, the wealthy.

                                                 The land of dreams

                                                 and of dreams come true.



                                                 the target of nameless faces

                                                 and frightening causes.

                                                 The target of those in need of a target

                                                 so that they can step out of the bulls-eye

                                                 and away from the responsibility.



                                                 the men and women,

                                                 the individual pieces that can be injured

                                                 and killed.

                                                 But they can never kill the soul.

                                                 They can strike out again and again,

                                                 but they only strengthen our resolve.



                                                 the light that draws a thousand friends

                                                 and a thousand enemies,

                                                 just as a candle will draw a moth.

                                                 America, the light that shines

                                                 and shines

                                                 and none may ever dim nor diminish it.


We the People In celebration of the Constitution's 200th birthday

We the People

   We the people

                                                 of these United States,

                                                 of this American continent,

                                                 are a strong people,

                                                 and a proud people,

                                                 and a generous people,

                                                 and a formidable people.

                                                 We are a great people

                                                 and we are a great nation.

                                                 We the people,

                                                 as individuals,

                                                 have individual weaknesses

                                                 and individual ambitions.

                                                 We are all kinds of fools

                                                 and foolishness.

                                                 We are bigots full of hate

                                                 and cold hearts full of greed.

                                                 We are every kind of individual

                                                 that walks the earth

                                                 because our doors are open

                                                 and our country is free.

                                                 That is our weakness

                                                 and our strength.

                                                 We the people

                                                 of these United States

                                                 started our country as individual states,

                                                 each different,

                                                 but never alone.

                                                 Individual pieces

                                                 making a strong and vibrant whole.

                                                We the people

                                                 is as it implies;

                                                 every person together.

                                                 Never has the call come

                                                 that it has not been answered.

                                                 Never has the need been felt

                                                 that it has not been met.

                                                 For as a nation,

                                                 all together,

                                                 we have overcome and triumphed.


                                                 We the people

                                                 of these United States,

                                                 of this American continent,

                                                 are still the great people

                                                 who built a great country.

                                                 We are still a nation of pioneers

                                                 striving to a bright future.

                                                 Stumbling sometimes,

                                                 sidetracked sometimes,

                                                 sometimes even lost,

                                                 but always moving onward

                                                 and overcoming obstacles.

                                                 We the people

                                                 are not reaching the end

                                                 of our existence

                                                 as a great nation.

                                                 We are merely at a crossroads

                                                 with each direction

                                                 leading to a long and full future.

                                                 We the people,        

                                                 each of us,

                                                 one by one,

                                                 are molecules that build the body.

                                                 And the body is still healthy

                                                 and strong.

                                                 The body is still growing.

                                                 These United States,

                                                 this America,

                                                 and we the people!


Wake Up America!

                                          To the people I say; "Wake up!

                                          You are America.

                                          You are the life-blood of the factories,

                                          the seller and the buyer,

                                          the farmer and the consumer,

                                          the soldier and the dissident,

                                          the voter and the politician,

                                          you are the voice and the ears.


                                          Wake up America!

                                          Let your separate whispers

                                          join to be a roar.

                                          Wake up America!

                                          Sing again your sweet songs,

                                          join up arm and arm,

                                          dream again the sweet dreams,

                                          cherish once again the greatness of your soul.

                                          America I love you

                                          and I long to see you

                                          standing tall with a swelling heart.

                                          unafraid of all tomorrows.

                                          Wake up America, wake up.


Hard Times

                                          It's hard times,

                                          troubled times,

                                          times of long dusty roads

                                          filled with dead-ends and detours.

                                          The only sound;

                                          the echo of failure

                                          returning again and again.

                                          Sweaty, aching, worry about tomorrow times.

                                          It's the kind of times

                                          that drive some men to drink

                                          and others to death.

                                          It's times that take so much

                                          and give so little in return.

                                          Such sad times.

                                          It's hard times,

                                          but not quitting times,

                                          not the end of times.

                                          No! It's reaching out times,

                                          helping times,

                                          sharing times,

                                          and understanding times.

                                          It is the kind of times

                                          when we've got to be tolerant

                                          of more than ever before,

                                          and stronger,

                                          for when things don't work out.

                                          It's hard times

                                          when the test will be

                                          for us to stand as one and overcome

                                          or each run crying

                                          down the roads that lead nowhere.


The Corner

                                           Four men stood on a corner.

                                          One said; "The economy's sure bad."

                                          Another said; "Unemployment's rising."

                                          The third said; "There's trouble abroad."

                                          The fourth knew who to blame;

                                          he blamed everyone.

                                          It was a cold corner they stood on,

                                          chilled with despair

                                          and disillusion.

                                          But, the sun has never failed to rise.

                                          The seasons have never failed

                                          to be born anew.

                                          America has never failed.

                                          She has faltered,

                                          but never fallen.

                                          She's been side-tracked down wrong roads,

                                          but never truly lost.

                                          America has been attacked by enemies,

                                          reviled by friends,

                                          led astray

                                          and cheated,

                                          but she has never wallowed in defeat

                                          nor in dishonor.

                                          America has had self-doubts,

                                          dismay, and disillusion,

                                          but the people,

                                          like bricks of a wall,

                                          have stood together in times of need.

                                          America's greatness has never dimmed

                                          nor diminished.

                                          All that has made her great

                                          still survives.

                                          Sometimes it's overlooked,

                                          sometimes it's forgotten,

                                          but when the need is great

                                          the heart of America swells

                                          and the light shines bright.

Stars and Stripes

                                          The stars and stripes still wave


                                          They are ragged now and faded

                                          from all the rockets and the bombs.

                                          Those from within

                                          as well as from without.


                                          But "old glory" still waves

                                          and the dream lives on.

                                          There are still hearts full of courage

                                          and full of pride.

                                          The stars and stripes still wave

                                          over the land of the free.


                                         There have been battles and bloodshed,
                                         but faith and courage, like blood

                                         pumps the valient heart of America

                                         and the stars and stripes still wave.
